Tax Help: Tax Forms, AARP Tax-Aide, and United Way Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)
Tax help will be offered on a first come-first served basis at select Sarasota County Libraries. At this time, they will take the first approximate 35 customers who show up for the same-day appointment. Those arriving for tax help will need to bring all their paperwork with them.
Most if not all of the Sarasota County Libraries will have the 1040 forms and instruction booklets. Staff can help print out the forms. Printing is free, but is restricted to 30 pages a day.
Tax Forms and Tax Help at our Libraries
For tax help at our libraries, please visit: (Tax Help FAQ) Sarasota County Public LibrariesAll libraries have public computers that may be used to print: tax forms available from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) website.
Tax Forms from the IRS
Current and prior year forms and instructions may be downloaded and printed from the: IRS "Forms & Instructions".
Order forms and publications from the IRS to be sent through the U.S. Mail on the: IRS "Order Forms & Publications".
For questions regarding ordering forms, please call the IRS at: 1-800-829-3676
Filing Questions and Assistance from the IRS
Free filing via the IRS website is found at the: IRS "Free File: Do your Federal Taxes for Free" webpage.
Information about assistance by phone and numbers to call are listed on the: IRS "Let Us Help You" webpage.
The local IRS office is located at the following address: 5971 Cattleridge Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34232
Hours of operation and information about making an appointment at Florida locations are listed on the: IRS "Contact My Local Office in Florida" webpage.
Filing Assistance from AARP Foundation Tax-Aide
The AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Program offers free tax preparation services for those who can not afford to pay for professional tax preparation. More information about the services offered are found on the Tax-Aide Program's. To find locations offering AARP Tax-Aide help, please use the: AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Locator.
AARP Foundation can be reached at: 1-888-687-2277
Traditionally, several of the Sarasota County Libraries have hosted in-person AARP Tax-Aide sessions from early February until Tax Day, with the schedule finalized by late January. The most accurate, up-to-date schedule is found on the: library events calendar by limiting to the "Tax Help" event category.
Filing Assistance from United Way Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)
As part of the Prosperity Campaigns of Hillsborough and Pinellas Counties along with the VITA Programs in Sarasota and DeSoto Counties, United Way supports free tax preparation assistance and education regarding the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC) at numerous locations throughout the Suncoast region. For more information, including locations and documents required, please visit United Way Suncoast's VITA Free Tax Preparation webpage or call: (941) 366-2686.